.. _support: Support ======= Feel free to contact me with questions or suggestions. Docs ---- `Read the Docs `_ Github ------ `Link `_. Contact ------- `Twitter `_, or `create an issue on GitHub `_. Collaboration ------------- I'm happy to partner with you in development efforts--just shoot me a message, or just get started by resolving a GitHub issue or suggested enhancement. Please also let me know if you'd like to alpha- or beta-test my code. Donations --------- If you would like to support my work, please donate money to a charity of your choice. Many large charities do great work all around the world (e.g. Médecins Sans Frontières), but don't forget that your support is often more critical for local/small charities. Also consider that small regular donations are sometimes better than one large donation. You can vet a charity you're targeting using a `charity rating website `_. If you do make a donation, make me happy `and leave a record here `_.. (It's anonymous.)